- PhD in sociology, specializing in social theory, veterans’ issues, and social health
- Experience in academic research and academic publishing
- The ability to present research findings to a broad audience
- Front-line experience working in the addictions field
Chemical Dependency Counsellor Certificate: September 2016 – August 2018
St. Clair College, Windsor, ON
PhD in Sociology: September 2011 – August 2015
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
Concentration: Classical and Contemporary Social Theory
Dissertation Title: Apply Durkheim’s Theory of Suicide: A Study of Altruism and Anomie among Canadian Veterans of Afghanistan
Methodology: In-depth qualitative interviews and thematic analysis
Supervisors: Dr. Annette Burfoot and Dr. Alice Aiken
Master of Arts in Sociology: September 2010 – August 2011
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON
Concentration: Contemporary Social Theory
Thesis Title: Modern Myth and Masculine Character: Revealing the fit ‘self’ in MTV’s I Used to Be Fat
Methodology: Discourse analysis
Advisor: Dr. Karen Engle
Bachelor of Arts Honours: September 2006 – August 2010
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON
Major: Sociology and Criminology
Minor: Psychology
Rose, S., VanDenKerkhof, L., Schaub, M., 2018. Determinants of Successful Transition Literature Review. Journal of Military Veteran & Family Health. Volume 4.
Rose, S., Aiken, A.B., McColl, M.A. 2014. A Scoping Review of Psychological Interventions for PTSD in Military Personal and Veterans. Military Behavioral Health. 2(3), 264-282
Rose, S., Aiken, A.B., McColl, M.A. 2013. Veterans’ Health in Canada: A Scoping Review of the Literature. [Peer Reviewed] In: Aiken, A.B., Belanger, S. (Editors) Beyond the Line: Military and Veteran Health Research. McGill-Queen’s University Press. Book Ranked number 7 on the Hill Times Best 100 Books in Politics, Public Policy and History in 2013.
Rose, S., 2013-Ongoing. Steve Rose’s Blog.
Rose, S., 2017. Making People Change: Why it Doesn’t Work, and How You Can Help. Independently published by Steve Rose with Kindle Direct Publishing.
Rose, S., 2016. 5 Ways Opportunity Addiction Can Negatively Affect Your Career.
Rose, S., 2015. The Art of Fulfillment: Living with Passion in an Uncertain World. Independently published by Steve Rose with Kindle Direct Publishing.
Rose, S., 2015. Moral Injury. Wikipedia. [Contributed initial draft for the concept].
Rose, S., 2015. What Veterans Know About Leadership. Linkedin Pulse.
Rose, S. 2014. What You Can Learn From Hiring a Veteran. Linkedin Pulse.
Researcher: July 2015 – September 2015
Contracted by The Office of the Veterans Ombudsman (OVO), Ottawa, ON
- Conducting a comprehensive review of the Canadian literature on Veterans in transition
- Formulating a qualitative methodology to assist in defining a “successful transition” for medically released Canadian Veterans
- Conducting pilot-interviews to refine interview format
Research Assistant: June 2013 – September 2013
Center for Health Services and Policy Research, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
- Conducting a scoping review of the international literature on interventions for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Creating a database of the literature on psychological interventions for PTSD
- Preparing a presentation for the 4th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum in November 2013
Research Assistant: June 2012 – September 2012
Center for Health Services and Policy Research, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
- Conducted a scoping review of the Canadian literature on veterans’ health concerns
- Contacted top publishing authors in the field for further literature
- Created a database of the Canadian literature on veterans’ health
- Wrote a book chapter describing the Canadian literature on veterans’ health. The purpose of this chapter was to allow for a deeper understanding of the current state of research on the health of Canadian veterans
- The book chapter was published in the book, Beyond the Line: Military and Veteran Health Research
Instructor for Cooperation and Conflict in Society: Winter 2018
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about the dynamics of conflict from a micro perspective focused on practical communication skills, in addition to a macro perspective regarding current societal conflicts
Instructor for Violence and Society: Winter 2018, Fall 2017, Winter 2017, Fall 2016
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about various areas in the study of violence, particularity related to the history and development of Western civilization.
Instructor for Introduction to Sociology [Honours]: Fall 2017, Winter 2016
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about foundational theoretical and substantive areas in sociology
- Developed skills in knowledge translation and the ability to clearly articulate complex concepts to first year students without any previous experience in the area
Instructor for Sociology of Religion: Winter 2016
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about the development of religion and secularization in America and its impact on race, gender, and class controversies, as well as major social institutions in the public sphere
Instructor for Social Research Methods: Fall 2016, Fall 2015
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about key concepts and processes involved in social research methods
- Developed skills in knowledge translation and the ability to clearly articulate complex methodological ideas in clear language
Instructor for Introduction to Sociology: Fall 2017, Fall 2015
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, Michigan
- Teaching students about foundational theoretical and substantive areas in sociology
- Developed skills in knowledge translation and the ability to clearly articulate complex concepts to first year students without any previous experience in the area
Invited Guest Lecturer for the CIMVHR webinar series on Issues in the Health of Military Personnel, Veterans and their Families: November 2015
Royal Military College, Kingston, ON
- Online lecture on the experiences of Canadian Veterans in transition to civilian life
Teaching Assistant for Contemporary Social Theories I and II: September 2011 – April 2013
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
- Taught students about key figures in contemporary social theory during two weekly tutorials of roughly twenty-five students each for four semesters (Part I and II, two semesters each)
- Developed skills in knowledge translation and the ability to clearly articulate complex concepts to students when leading tutorial sessions
Teaching Assistant for Foundations of Sociological Theory: Fall 2010
University of Windsor, Windsor, ON
- Evaluated and marked students’ assignments and exams for two semesters
- Met with students during office hours to provide extra assistance
- Responded to students inquiries and questions by email in a timely manner
Military and Veteran Health Research Forum Hosted with the Invictus Games: September 2017
Developing a Concept of Role Identity among Veterans in Transition
Canadian Sociological Association Congress Hosted by Ryerson University: May 2017
The Durkheimian Addiction Therapist: Integrating structure and agency to understand social media addiction
Military and Veteran Health Research Forum Hosted by the University of Laval: November 2015
Feeling Like Your Best Days are Behind You: Developing a concept of Transitional Trauma
Canadian Sociological Association Congress Hosted by University of Ottawa: June 2015
Finding Moral Purpose: a study of suicidal ideation among Canadian Veterans of Afghanistan in transition to civilian life
Military and Veteran Health Research Forum Hosted by the University of Toronto: November 2014
War is Hell, Civilian Life is Worse: The Traumatizing Loss of Purpose in Transition
Canadian Sociological Association Congress Hosted by Brock University: May 2014
Reintegrating the Morally Injured: Using Durkheim to Understand Veterans in Transition
Military and Veteran Health Research Forum Hosted by the University of Edmonton: November 2013
A Scoping Review of Psychological Interventions for PTSD in Military Personnel and Veterans
Queen’s University Sociology Department’s Annual Graduate Symposium: April 2012
Suicide and the Sacred: Hearing the Voices of Combat Veterans
Military and Veteran Health Research Forum Hosted by Queen’s University: November 2012
Veterans’ Health in Canada: A Scoping Review of the Literature
Queen’s University Sociology Department’s Annual Graduate Symposium: April 2012
Robotic Warriors: Mediations of Modern Killing
(Dis)Embodied Feminisms Graduate Symposium Hosted by McGill: April 2011
Embodied Identities and the Fitness Industry: A Search for the Self
Rose, S. (Interviewee). (2014, November 25). The challenges veterans face in transition to civilian life. [Radio broadcast episode]. Ontario Morning. Toronto, ON: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Session Moderator for the Military and Veteran Health Research Forum: September 2017, November 2015, November 2014, November 2013
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research, Kingston, ON
- Introduced presenters
- Maintained structure by time-keeping
- Ensured proper function of audio/visual materials
Conference Organizer for the Sociology Department’s Annual Graduate Symposium: April 2012
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON
- Chaired and organized meetings for the Symposium Organizing Committee
- Coordinated presentations with appropriate panels of experts
- Assisted in gathering supplies and materials for the symposium
- Assisted in setting up and tearing down the symposium room
Volunteer for the Military and Veteran Health Research Forum: November 2011
Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research, Kingston, ON
- Greeted presenters and attendees
- Assisted the panel chairs by time-keeping during presentations