What Is Transitional Stress?

What Is Transitional Stress?

Six themes emerge from the interview data on transitional stress: missing the military; feeling lost and apathetic in civilian life; feeling cut off from an elite family; difficulty connecting with civilians; the loss of structure; and the loss of a sense of service. Let’s take a closer look at each of these themes…

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6 Things Veterans Can Teach Us About Life

6 Things Veterans Can Teach Us About Life

Veterans can teach us a great deal about the meaning of purpose, leadership, work ethic, community, and meaning. Throughout my research, their insights transformed the way I look at the world, so I thought it might be helpful to pass along their messages here…

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Military Betrayal, Civilian Isolation

Military Betrayal, Civilian Isolation

Many veterans experience anger, cynicism, or a heightened concern for justice during or after their service. These are not necessarily reactions to trauma or the result of PTSD, rather, they are the result of characteristics instilled in the military…

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What is Sanctuary Trauma?

What is Sanctuary Trauma?

Developed by Dr. Steven Silver, sanctuary trauma “occurs when an individual who suffered a severe stressor next encounters what was expected to be a supportive and protective environment’ and discovers only more trauma.” Some veterans who face mental or physical injuries from service…

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How Veterans Experience Altruism

How Veterans Experience Altruism

In the army, everybody sinks or swims together, What ultimately matters to you most are the guys in your section. These faceless soldiers in uniform, these guys are friends, What keeps you going is that you’re there to look after each other. I might fucking hate you...

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How Veterans Experience Purpose

How Veterans Experience Purpose

As an eighteen-year-old kid, the military gives you a sense of purpose, It give you a sense of responsibility that you don’t usually get at eighteen. At thirty-five I have to be my five-year-old self all over again, “What do you want to be when you grow up?’” Trying...

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How Veterans Experience The Rush of Combat

How Veterans Experience The Rush of Combat

I’m looking for a rush, I’m looking for a reason to help people, I want near deadly experiences, I want an apocalypse of this world, I want everything to go bad, I want you all to fucking need me to fucking save your life. Our tracers were red, their tracers were...

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The Lesser-known Issues Veterans Face in Transition

The Lesser-known Issues Veterans Face in Transition

So what are some of the lesser-known issues veterans face in transition? These consist of moral injury, transitional stress, and sanctuary trauma. It is important to differentiate these issues faced by veterans from PTSD. If we view every issue…

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What is Moral Injury?

What is Moral Injury?

Litz (2009) defines moral injury as, “perpetrating, failing to prevent, bearing witness to, or learning about acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations.” Rather than a fear response, the concept of moral injury illuminates the importance of guilt and shame. Although many…

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