Looking for Support?
BetterHelp.com provides online counseling. Check out their site here to see if their services are right for you. Their main benefit is lower costs, high accessibility, and the ability to switch counselors quickly and easily if you don’t feel supported.
Online-therapy.com is currently offering free support for persons looking to optimize their mental toolbox. Check out their free worksheets based on the evidence-based practice of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT).
*The above resources consist of affiliate links, meaning I receive a referral fee if you sign up, at no additional cost to you.
As always, it is important to be critical when seeking help, since the quality of counselors and therapists are not consistent. Also, one of the most important factors in successful treatment is the quality of the therapeutic relationship. If you are not feeling supported, it is important to seek out another practitioner.
To find support near you, use the Psychology Today therapist directory here.
If you are a Canadian resident and specifically looking for support for an addiction to alcohol, substances, gambling, or gaming, I offer online counseling services. Check out my services page here, contact me here, or send me a message directly at steve@steverosephd.com for more information.
Curious if online therapy works? Check out my article here, where I review the scientific literature.