Welcome to the quiz!
What You Get
This quiz is designed to help you gain clarity about an issue you are facing right now.
It identifies core beliefs that may be contributing to this particular issue, stopping you from moving forward.
At the end of this quiz, you will be given an exercise, designed to help you start taking steps toward overcoming the issue.
What It Is Not
This is not a form of psychological assessment or diagnosis and is intended for educational purposes. It should not be used in place of talking to a mental health practitioner.
It is not suitable for issues such as PTSD, psychosis, or issues requiring medical support. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call your local suicide hotline or crisis line. If you or someone you know is currently at risk of harming themselves or someone else, please call 911.
Your information is kept confidential and will not be made public. Please see the privacy policy for steverosephd.com for more information.